It is so true that difficult moments are inevitable in our life, wars, conflicts, separation, losing a job, a loved one, you name it… Stress and Pain are not human’s enemies; we are meant to suffer in order to survive and evolve. But having strong coping strategies to deal with these hard moments is so essential.

Here are some strategies I’ve found very useful when dealing with stress, sadness, instability, and tough times:

  • Writing:

Research has shown that writing about your difficult times, could lower the stress and depression. In fact, problems seem more manageable on paper than in your head. Plus, writing can organize your thoughts and make the whole situation less chaotic. It is an emotional release.

  • Positive thinking

It is so crucial in these moments to shift your thinking. Always focus on solutions not problems and things you have control over.

  • Pray/ Meditate

When big problems hit people, feeling that there is a Greater Force looking after them is a big relief. Get connected with God and your deepest self, focus on spirituality; it can offer you a better mood, and less anxiety.

  • Deep Breathing

One of the simplest and most powerful exercises to reduce stress and cultivate peace is Deep Breathing. It’s a free tool you can use anytime, anywhere. I’ve already shared on Instagram few breathing techniques that you can try.

  • Exercise

All research has shown that exercise can elevate mood. In fact, our body releases Endorphins which has the ability to reduce pain and trigger positive feelings.

  • Get enough rest and prioritize Sleep

Nothing is better than a good night sleep to rejuvenate the body and mind. If you’re having serious sleep problems, check a sleep therapist before considering any medication.

  • Eat plenty of plant-based foods

Beside hydrating with a lot of water, our body responds differently to different kind of foods. In fact, research has shown that eating 12 servings of vegetables and fruits a day can boost the production of Dopamine and Serotonin, the “Happy hormones”. In addition, try to cut back on Caffeine and Alcohol; these can worsen depression!

  • Get surrounded with positive energy

Connect with people that can bring you joy, happiness and avoid negative, nagging people.

  • Go in Nature

Spending time in Nature is one of the best and easiest way to improve your mood and your overall wellbeing.

  • Be Grateful

In any research you do, you’ll find that Gratitude is strongly associated with greater happiness. Thinking of the positive things we have in our lives, enhances positive emotions and makes us more optimistic.

  • Get Support

If you feel that the stress and pain are overwhelming, it’s time to find a therapist. A mental health professional can help you feel stronger, change your behaviors and come up with plans to solve your problems.


And always keep in mind that ” Difficult times CAN Develop you.”


Your health coach,
