Flax is one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world; it is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India. It is considered as one of the best ways to add Omega-3 fatty acids from a plant-based source as it contains a high amount of Alpha Linolenic Acid (or ALA).

There are two types of flax seeds, golden and brown seeds almost equally nutritious. Beside being high in Omega-3, these are very rich in  antioxidants, fibers, anti-inflammatory components, vitamins, minerals and lignans (a group of phytoestrogens).

In fact, only one tablespoon (or 7 grams) can provide:

  • Calories: 55 Cal
  • Fat: 3 grams
  • Fibers: 2 grams
  • Protein: 1,2 grams
  • Thiamin: 11% (of the DRI)
  • Phosphorus: 7%
  • Copper: 6%
  • Magnesium: 6% or 27 mg
  • Selenium: 4%
  • Vitamin B6: 2%
  • Iron: 2%
  • Folate: 2%
  • Calcium: 1%

DRI = daily recommended intake

In addition, Flax seeds have a lot of benefits; here are some:

  • Flax seeds are high in nutrients and minerals
  • High in Omega-3 fatty acids (essential for the brain function)
  • High in fibers
  • Promotes better heart health
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Has anticancer properties
  • May improve cholesterol
  • May reduce blood pressure
  • May stabilize blood sugar levels
  • May reduce hot flashes
  • May prevent dementia
  • May help manage weight

and much more…

Useful Tips

Before using flax seeds, check these tips:

  • Our body cannot absorb Omega-3s in flax seeds unless it is ground.
  • Buy whole seeds, grind what you need for the week, using a blender or a coffee grinder.
  • Store the ground seeds in the fridge and the whole seeds in the freezer.
  • Flax seed oil should not be heated as it can easily oxidize and lose a lot of its valuable properties
How to use Flax seeds?

Actually, we can easily add it to many dishes, salads, smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt parfait, energy bites, pancakes, homemade granola, crackers or any other recipe.


To conclude, flax seeds are versatile ingredients that can enhance the taste and the texture of any recipe and adding only a tablespoon to your daily meals can make a real difference in you health.

Hope you liked this article,

To your good health,
