Banana Granola

Banana Granola

Banana Granola Print Recipe This Banana Granola recipe is just amazing. It's perfect for breakfast, desert or snack... Enjoy ; ) KeywordBanana, Easy recipes, gluten-free, Granola, healthy food, vegan Servings Prep Time 10 servings 10 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes...
Açai Smoothie

Açai Smoothie

    Açai Smoothie Print Recipe For many reasons, Açai berries have been called a superfood. In fact, these small berries contain a high amount of antioxidants (anthocyanins) and have a lot of benefits; It can boost the heart health, reduce inflammation,...
Grapefruit Salad

Grapefruit Salad

Grapefruit Salad Print Recipe Grapefruit is a great food to include in any balanced diet and should be considered as a superfood. Check this tasty and super easy salad recipe that you can prepare in few minutes. KeywordEasy recipes, gluten-free, Salad recipe, Salads...
Beetroot Avocado Salad

Beetroot Avocado Salad

Beetroot Avocado Salad Print Recipe Beetroot lovers, here's a simple and delicious beetroot salad with avocado. Beetroot is rich in Folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and iron. It has numerous health benefits like improved blood flow and digestive health, lower...
Homemade Hot Chocolate

Homemade Hot Chocolate

Homemade Hot Chocolate Print Recipe What could be better than a hot chocolate in the cold weather? It even gets better if it's homemade and without all the added sugar and artificial flavors. You can add on top cinnamon powder, grated chocolate or marshmallows. Enjoy!...