Banana Granola

Banana Granola

Banana Granola Print Recipe This Banana Granola recipe is just amazing. It's perfect for breakfast, desert or snack... Enjoy ; ) KeywordBanana, Easy recipes, gluten-free, Granola, healthy food, vegan Servings Prep Time 10 servings 10 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes...
Açai Smoothie

Açai Smoothie

    Açai Smoothie Print Recipe For many reasons, Açai berries have been called a superfood. In fact, these small berries contain a high amount of antioxidants (anthocyanins) and have a lot of benefits; It can boost the heart health, reduce inflammation,...
Dates Energy balls

Dates Energy balls

Dates Energy balls Print Recipe These energy balls are the perfect snack for kids and adults, pre or post workout. It's easy to prepare, tasty and filled with wholesome ingredients. Keywordchocolate energy balls, dates energy balls, energy balls, gluten-free, vegan...
Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup Print Recipe It’s soup season! And what could be warmer than butternut squash soup. Butternut squash is considered a superfood; it’s rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, anti-inflammatory components and antioxidants. It's a classic easy soup...