It’s true that September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, but I really think that we should bring light to this issue all year long. Its impact on our society is profound!

Here are some facts from the World Health Organization:

  • Worldwide obesity has tripled since 1975
  • 39 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2020
  • Over 340 million children and adolescents, aged 5-19 were overweight or obese.

While it is relatively easy to explain this fact to adults so they can be aware of what they’re dumping in their bodies, it’s certainly more complicated to explain to young generations.

BE AWARE PARENTS! A Child’s Health Begins With You!

Sadly, we are living in the worst time ever, where the life span of a kid is shorter than his parents. Obesity rates in children is staggering and the rates of Insulin Resistance and type 2 Diabetes in young people are increasing. But the Good News is that Obesity is preventable. Here are some simple actions you can make to help your kids and prevent diseases:

  • Be their role model; don’t eat junk food and expect your kids to eat healthy
  • Make Water your drink of choice not sugary beverages
  • Add more fruits and veggies to your meals
  • Eat slowly
  • Eat around a table not in front of the TV or any other screen
  • Shop for healthy food together
  • Teach your kids to read ingredient’s list
  • Get them involved in preparing the food
  • Serve appropriate portions
  • Do not ask your kids to finish their plates
  • Do not reward your kids with food, especially dessert
  • Add more physical activities to their daily routine
  • Encourage them to join sports team
  • Limit screen time

I know as parents, our kids are our top priority, so naturally we are always seeking ways to support their development. If you would like to know more about nutrition, improve your family’s health and prevent diseases, Reach out!

Our sessions can provide parents with:
  • An interactive and fun approach to health
  • Practical solutions for the whole family
  • Simple and time saving ideas to make your life easier

Wherever you are on your health journey, remember that Healthy Individuals Are Not Born, They Are Made.


To your Good health,
