Positive affirmations are words, phrases, or statements we repeat to help avoid negative thoughts and promote positive life changes.

Positive affirmations have a powerful effect on our mind and a regular repetition can encourage the brain to take these affirmations as facts and often, the actions follow. 

Many researches have shown that these have the ability to change the negative thought patterns into positive ones and influence our subconscious mind to access new positive beliefs. It is all about rewiring the brain by saying positive things to validate self-worth, abilities and self-love.

Here are some science-backed benefits of daily positive affirmations:

  • It motivates you to take an action
  • Influences your subconscious mind 
  • Helps overcome self-doubt
  • Reduces self-sabotage
  • Changes negative thoughts
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Eases depression
 Here’s a simple way to create affirmations:
  • Make a list of the most important areas of your life you wish to improve. 
  • Write a few positive and simple statements for each type of affirmation you selected.
  • Write them down on sticky notes, in a journal or on your screens. The idea is to use a form that allows you to visualize what you’re intending to manifest or achieve. 
Here are some examples:
  • I am Enough
  • I am Worthy
  • I deserve to be Happy
  • I deserve Love
  • I have all the necessary skills
  • My work satisfies me
  • Money flows to me


To get benefit from affirmations, you’ll want to start a daily practice and make it a habit.

  • Start twice a day, upon waking up and getting into bed for example and increase it.
  • Repeat each affirmation about 10 times and focus on the words. As you say them, believe them to be true. A loved one can also help you reinforce your belief by repeating your affirmations.
  • Be patient. It may take some time before you notice any changes, so stick with your practice for at least a month.


It’s true that repeating an affirmation can help boost your motivation and confidence, but you still have to take some action yourself. It is considered as a step toward change but not the change itself. 

Hope this article was helpful,

Always to your good health and wellness 💚


Resources: Healthline.com, happierhuman.com