Banana Granola
Banana Granola
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This Banana Granola recipe is just amazing. It's perfect for breakfast, desert or snack... Enjoy ; )
Servings Prep Time
10 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
10 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Banana Granola
Banana Granola
Print Recipe
This Banana Granola recipe is just amazing. It's perfect for breakfast, desert or snack... Enjoy ; )
Servings Prep Time
10 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
10 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings: servings
  1. Combine oats, raw nuts, cinnamon powder, mashed banana, coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla extract. You can heat a bit the coconut oil if it's solid. Optional: You can add some chocolate chips
  2. Mix until well combined and spread on a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Bake in the oven on a medium temperature and keep on tossing every 10 minutes or so to break up the clumps and bake evenly.
  4. Once the granola is golden brown, dry & crispy, remove from the oven and let it cool down. Add some banana chips and Enjoy!
  5. You can store in an air-tight container for 2 weeks.
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