Okay buddies… Summer’s over!

I know that a lot of people love the idea of doing a detox after the summer vacation… perhaps feeling guilty of indulging over the holidays (all the desserts, heavy dinners, alcohol we had…)

Now instead of giving you a new way to detox your body, I would like to tell you this:

  • Relax! Your body has already an amazing detoxifying system; It eliminates harmful substances and toxins quite efficiently.
  • You only need to help your organs (liver, kidney, intestine, lungs, skin) do their job.


Here are some ways to boost your body’s detox system:

  • Drink water. At least ½ ounce per pound of body weight (around 30 ml per kg) and try to avoid plastic bottled water.
  • Get enough sleep. In fact, sleep is the most efficient time to detox your body.
  • Prioritize whole plant-based food over animal products.
  • Avoid processed foods, sugar, and salt. These can damage your kidney and your liver.
  • Limit alcohol. Too much alcohol can prohibit the liver from doing its job.
  • Move: Regular activity and exercise help the body’s ability to detox.
  • Choose your self-care and your home cleaning products very carefully. By choosing natural products you can drastically reduce your exposure to chemicals.
  • Try to add some detox boosting ingredients to your daily routine, example a cup of green tea, lemon and ginger in your water, cabbage, watercress, artichoke, garlic, beetroot, mainly all greens and fresh fruits. You can check my beetroot smoothie recipe on this link: https://healthy-crafts.com/recipe/red-smoothie/


And here’s a Liver Booster Smoothie recipe that can help purify and detox your liver and support your immune system.

In a blender, mix:

  • 2 cups of kale
  • 1 small beetroot (precooked to soften)
  • 1 apple
  • 1 lemon
  • ½ chunk of fresh ginger
  • ¼ cup of parsley
  • 1 tbsp. of Chia seeds
  • 1 & ½ cup of water or any liquid of your choice

Wishing you all good health!

Your health coach,
